December Post Archive
December is here!
The elections did not go how a lot of us wished they would. Yes, I have genuine concerns about the future of our country and the future of our planet. But one can drive oneself crazy for no good purpose dwelling on what one can’t control. The next few years will probably be a good time to be cautious with our finances. If the orange man follows through on his threats of tariffs across the board, everything that incorporates imports will increase in price. If he deports undocumented workers, it is likely that our food and many other domestic goods will increase in prices as well due to the lack of labor. The markets will tend towards increasing volatility due to his erratic behavior… so this is a good time to get your own house in financial order to whatever extent you can. Our soft landing and escape from a deep recession may not be as soft as hoped once the crazy cabinet gets into place. It very well may be a bumpy four years. Musk may be good at making money for himself, but he single-handedly has destroyed the value of Twitter, and Tesla’s numbers are not great either. It’s probably optimistic that his efforts to make our government more efficient will be very helpful.
So… I’m going to focus on what I have more control over. I want to increasingly appreciate the good people in my life. I want to improve my skills as an artist and as a writer. I want to be smarter with my finances, and with how I use my time. This is not a time for despair. This is a time to continue our work in becoming the best version of ourselves. What does that look like? How are my goals shifting? Becoming our best self is the work a lifetime.