The Wraethu trilogy is truly epic in scope and posits what if gay men evolved into their own species capable of reproduction. Within an apocalyptic landscape, there is adventure and danger, and of course romance. This was published in 1993, so you will have to find a used copy of this book if you are curious to read it.
Wraeththu trilogy: The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, The Bewitchments of Love and Hate, and The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire.
In this powerful and elegant story set in a future Earth very different from our own, a new kind of human has evolved to challenge the dominion of Homo sapiens. This new breed is stronger, smarter, and far more beautiful than their parent race, and are endowed with psychic as well as physical gifts. They are destined to supplant humanity as we know it, but humanity won’t die without a struggle.
The Purple Fantastic Steam Meter gives this read a 3. It gets a little sexy but always within the context of the story. As the new species evolve with entirely different sex organs, it is unique in how it handles the idea of sex. More about The Purple Fantastic Stem Meter on the About page.
Wraeththu trilogy: The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, The Bewitchments of Love and Hate, and The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire.
In this powerful and elegant story set in a future Earth very different from our own, a new kind of human has evolved to challenge the dominion of Homo sapiens. This new breed is stronger, smarter, and far more beautiful than their parent race, and are endowed with psychic as well as physical gifts. They are destined to supplant humanity as we know it, but humanity won’t die without a struggle.