Worms the Board Game
In the same way I have sometimes piled more on my plate than I intended, when I saw the Kickstarter for the Worms the Board Game and all of its playfully designed playing pieces, I really wanted to paint those cartoony worms figures.
This particular Kickstarter campaign actually delivered on time! You never know… Kickstarter can be hit and miss. I’m still waiting on one that should have delivered two years ago. (I received half of that one at the end of August, with the second part in theory due to arrive in January… only a couple years behind schedule.) But Worms arrived in September.
I think there are 74 different figures… I’m not sure if that includes all the barrels, crates, and nuclear buttons… I’m not patient enough to count them all. but there were an insane number of little worms. But I finally finished painting them last night! I mostly just worked on them in the evenings while listening to audio books, as I hate working on that sort of stuff during office hours. As someone who has been freelance most of my life, I still think in terms of 9-6 being productive time even in my retirement. And Worms didn’t quite qualify as work.
With the prevalence of AI and its sometimes inhuman perfection, I’vefound that I don’t mind things being a bit imperfect when hand-painting miniatures. I like the rawness of brush marks and assorted imperfections. And this is fortunate as otherwise, this project would have taken forever.
I opted to go with different color bases for variation – especially given the many identical pieces. For gameplay each player adds colored plastic rings to the pieces to identify their worm army, so the colored bases that I added will be partially covered up with those.
Anyway… fun project, but happy to move on to something else. 🙂