I’ve just started reading Kit Vincent’s “Us, Et Cetera”
I just started reading Us, Et Cetera. I’m only 16% in, but it’s good. Really good. And unique. It is such a pleasure to discover a book that is not-like-the-others. The MC is immediately sympathetic and I love not knowing exactly where it is going but having full confidence that the book is going somewhere worthwhile.
Writing these posts is a little bit like putting a note in a bottle, but if you are out there somewhere reading this, I appreciate you. 🙂
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I had a nice surprise this morning. With some frequency, I walk to the grocery store in the early morning to pick up a few things and to get some exercise. My phone tells me it is 2.8 miles. Not terribly far but it does get the blood moving.
For the last few weeks the walk button box at a busy intersection has not been functioning. I press, but there is no beep and the walk light is never triggered no matter how long one waits. So I finally shot an email to Elen Asatryan – one of my city council members here in Glendale (I’ve met four of the five, but Elen is the one I see most frequently) and today I found a fellow working on it! Apparently the box is broken and a new one needs to be ordered. But it should be taken care of in the next few days. No more jogging against the Don’t Walk sign!
So I encourage all of you to meet your local politicians. It is too easy to think of them as a “them” and not people with jobs and all the assorted complications of life as the rest of us. Go to the get-to-know-you gatherings at city hall. Say hello. Develop friendly healthy relationships. It is nice to be able to reach out when you have local concerns. Even if those politicians have differing views than you do, it is good for them to meet civil, good souls in their constituency. I do believe that there is power in kindness and respect even if you disagree with someone, err on the side of civilized behavior. You will always end up looking better in the long run.
Here’s the link for Kit Vincent’s Us, Et Cetera if you are interested in checking it out! It will be worth your time.