The sequel to All That’s Left In The World is out
All That’s Left In The World was a great read. It came out soon after the pandemic and it felt more real than was comfortable. The slow burn of the relationship at the story’s core kept my heart engaged. The first book ended quite satisfactorily without a cliffhanger, but as a bug on the wall of their lives I couldn’t help but wonder how things were going to go for them.
So It is pretty exciting to see this sequel: The Only Light Left Burning. I’ve not read it yet. It is going to be near the top of my to-read stack.
These books inherently remind me of a similar end of the world zombie series from Keira Andrews starting with Kick At The Darkness. My memory confuses some of the events between the two series as both are road scenarios during an apocalypse, though both are excellent. I don’t like horror. I really don’t like descriptions of violence. But both have strong relationship dynamics at their core. They pulled me in and kept me engaged. I’m not sure which was scarier: a pandemic or zombies? I think the answer for me is religious survivalists. They seem far too real. Both series offer high adventure, unexpected twists, and characters I cared about.