Of Gods and Boys

 I started this book on a whim and was happy to discover a great read. I cared about the characters. The dangers and the journey were engrossing. I love this fresh take on the Greek pantheon and modern day life. Humor and pathos and insight dance through these pages. I strongly recommend it if you appreciate fantasy, male romance, and genuine substance in the underpinnings of the plot as it shines a light on injustice and minors in the prison system.

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Teenager Achilles is fresh out of juvie.

It wasn’t even for something he did; he took the fall for a crime committed by his father, a member of the Greek mafia. As hard as prison was for Achilles, being outside is proving even harder. He struggles to reconnect with his former girlfriend Carla while getting his GED and navigating the bizarre parole condition of qualifying for a Greco-Roman wrestling competition. At least his mom, an ardent follower of traditional Greek religion, is there to help Achilles win the favor of the gods with animal sacrifices in the back garden.

When Principal McKenna sets Achilles up with a student tutor, out-and-proud Hispanic math genius Jesús, things start to turn mythical. After saving Jesús from a violent homophobic attack, the Gods want a word with Achilles. With the help of Underworld boatman Charon (in full drag), Achilles’ heroic actions spark an epic adventure of mythological proportions that will force Achilles to confront, and defeat, all his many, many demons in order to win what his heart truly desires.

The Purple Fantastic Steam Rating gives this a 3 out of 5. The story is frank about sexual activity but it always moves the plot forward. You can read more about the Steam Ratings on the About Page.


Teenager Achilles is fresh out of juvie.

It wasn’t even for something he did; he took the fall for a crime committed by his father, a member of the Greek mafia. As hard as prison was for Achilles, being outside is proving even harder. He struggles to reconnect with his former girlfriend Carla while getting his GED and navigating the bizarre parole condition of qualifying for a Greco-Roman wrestling competition. At least his mom, an ardent follower of traditional Greek religion, is there to help Achilles win the favor of the gods with animal sacrifices in the back garden.

When Principal McKenna sets Achilles up with a student tutor, out-and-proud Hispanic math genius Jesús, things start to turn mythical. After saving Jesús from a violent homophobic attack, the Gods want a word with Achilles. With the help of Underworld boatman Charon (in full drag), Achilles’ heroic actions spark an epic adventure of mythological proportions that will force Achilles to confront, and defeat, all his many, many demons in order to win what his heart truly desires.

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Harry F. Rey


Kindle Books, Paperback




Deep Hearts YA



Year Published



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